Relationship Tips - Make Him Fall in Love in 3 Weeks

Having you been out of the dating arena for some time now and you're ready to jump back in? Have you got your sights set on a guy who could potentially be your next boyfriend? Would you like to know how to make him fall in love, in only three weeks?
 As amazing as it seems, stats show that it generally takes 3 - 4 weeks for a guy to truly fall in love. So if you play your cards right, you will have the man of your dreams crazy in love with you in less than a month. This article will explain what steps you should take in order to turn that dream into a reality. Keep reading to transform your love life from a bunch of dusty memories to passionate love.
Week 1: Grab His Undivided Attention
The fist week is crucial if you want to make him fall in love. This is the time where you are going to sincerely grab his attention and get him interested in you. How do you go about that? There are several methods you can do. First: you have to look your best whenever he sees you. Men are very visually oriented when it comes to women. If you make a good impression with your looks, you can be sure that he will be interested. Second, you can try flirting with him. It may sound elementary, but flirting is a powerful tool that is used even among adults.
Week 2: Build a Real Connection
The second week is your time to really get to know him. This is your chance for you to open up to him and encourage him to open up to you. Basically your goal is to try to forge a very intimate friendship. The kind where he will be comfortable to tell you anything and you will be comfortable to tell him anything. 
Now it's easy to get guys to open up these days so you are going to have to use this trick: ask question. Start off with easy questions like what is his favorite color and gradually move towards more personal questions. You'll be amazed at how quickly he opens up to you.
Week 3: Disappear
Disappearing may sound a little counterproductive, but just think about it. You have been with the guy for the last two weeks. You've flirted with him. 
You've became good friends with him. Now you're suddenly gone. One of two things is going to happen: he is either going to miss you or he won't even notice you're gone. If he misses you the he is going to realize just how much you mean to him and that is the first real signs that he is falling in love with you.
It is possible to make him fall in love with you in just three weeks. All you have to do is follow the instructions given in this article and in less than a month you will find yourself in a wonderful relationship with a guy who is madly in love with you.

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